Volume 2 – Series II


Copertina volume II


Correspondence Ambassador Giovanni Lanfredini

II (1485-1486)


Edited by Elizabeth Scarton

Salerno, Carlone, 2002

(Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies. Sources for the history of Aragonese Naples, second series, 2)

pp. XCVI 813

ISBN 88-86854-15-3

Price: € 100 buy




Sigle p. In

Works cited in abbreviated form p. WE

Introduction p. XI

I. The policy framework: The conflict papal p-Aragonese. XIII

II. The diplomatic mediation in matters merchant p. XXXIII

III. The court and the city in the testimony from p. XXXVIII

IV. The fonte p. XLVI

Correspondence of John Lanfredini p. 1

Appendices p. 717

I. Letters to other recipients Lanfredini p. 719

II. Summaries of documents from Naples preserved in the State Archives of Mantua p. 734

III. Inventory of documents from Naples preserved in the State Archives of Modena p. 739

IV. Routes Ferrante of Aragon and Alfonso, Duke of Calabria p. 748

Index of correspondence p. 771

Index of Manuscripts p. 785

Index of names p. 789


