Scientific Production Series II


Here is a list of publications and speeches (when published later) bound edition of the Correspondence of the Florentine ambassadors.



B. Son, The Venetians in Gallipoli (May to September 1484), in La Serenissima and the United. In the V Centenary of '' Arcadia 'by Iacopo Sannazaro. Proceedings of the Conference of Studies (Bari-Venice, 4-8 December 2004), edited by D. The camphor and. Caracciolo Aricò, Bari, Cacucci, 2006, pp. 285-311.


And. Scarton, The parliament of the Neapolitan 1484, in "Historical Archive for Neapolitan Provinces', CXXIV (2006), pp. 113-136.



B. Son, Su Francesco Galeota, Neapolitan poet and diplomat of the second XV, in "Historical Archive for Neapolitan Provinces', CXXVI (2008), pp. 93-106.


B. Son, The correspondence of the last two decades of the fifteenth century Florentine ambassadors, that is the perfect source, in "Bulletin of the Historical Italian for the Middle Ages', 110/2 (2008), pp. 33-48.



P. Meli, Florence in front of the Islamic world. Documenti su due ambasciate (1487-89), in "Annals of the History of Florence», IV (2009), pp. 243-273.



B. Son - F. Trapani, The shipment of Frederick of Aragon against the rebellious barons, in "Historical Review of Salerno», 48 (December 2007), pp. 9-85 (now expanded and revised Diano and the siege of 1497, edited by C. Carlone, Salerno, Laveglia & Carlone, 2010, pp. 9-87).



And. Scarton, The conspiracy of the barons of the 1485-87 and the fate of the rebels, in Powers, relations, war in the kingdom of Ferrante of Aragon. Studies on the diplomatic correspondence, edited by F. Senator and F. Storti, Naples, Clio Press, 2011, pp. 213-290.


P. Meli, The Muslim world and Jews in the correspondence of Florence from Naples, in Powers, relations, war in the kingdom of Ferrante of Aragon. Studies on the diplomatic correspondence, edited by F. Senator and F. Storti, Naples, Clio Press, 2011, pp. 291-350.



