Scientific Production


Here is a list of publications and speeches (when published later) bound edition of Dispacci sforzeschi da Napoli.



F. Senator, False and "letters reformate" in diplomacy Sforza, in "Bulletin of the Historical Archive and Italian Muratorian», XCIX (1993) [but 1994], pp. 221-278.


F. Senator, The Principality of Salerno during the Barons' War. From the diplomatic correspondence of the De bello Neapolitano, in "Historical Review of Salerno», n.s. 22, XI/2 (1994), pp. 29-114.


F. Senator, The Aragonese loyalty of Cava in two unpublished letters (August 1460), in "Conversations. Culture and Information », n. 7, F.I.D.A.P.A. Cava de’ Tirreni, Cava’ Tirreni 1994, pp. 65-75.



F. Senator, Diplomatic sources for the history of Naples aragonese, relation to the Seminar "The issue of documentary sources. Problems and prospects ", organized by the State of Mantua and the Central Office for Archival Assets, Division V, Studies and Publications, Mantova, 6 October.



F. Senator, "One letter world". Forms and structures of diplomacy Sforza, Naples, Liguori, 1998, pp. 481.


F. Storti, The army of King Ferrante. Composition and organization of the Neapolitan army in the second half of the 400, PhD in History, prof. M. Del Treppo, University "Federico II" of Naples.


F. Senator, Cava and the Battle of Sarno. An episode of mythology town, in "Historical Review of Salerno», n.s. 29, XV / 1 (1998), pp. 259-271.



F. Storti, "The War of the World più bella". The participation of the people in the war of succession Neapolitan (1459-1464), in Medieval Southern Mediterranean. Studies in honor of Mario Del Treppo, edited by G. Rossetti and G. Vitolo, Naples, Liguori-Gisem, 2000, flight. I, pp. 325-346.



F. Senator, The dispatches of ambassadors Sforza in Naples, report of the meeting GISEM “Circulation of economic models, political and cultural relations in the system of the European XI-XVI centuries”, Pisa 17-19 February.


F. Senator, Pontanus and the war of Naples, in Commanders and armed men in Renaissance Italy, a cura di M. Del Treppo, Naples, Liguori-Gisem, 2001, pp. 279-309.


F. Storti, The warrior prince. The military campaigns of Alfonso, Duke of Calabria, in Commanders and armed men in Renaissance Italy, a cura di M. Del Treppo, Naples, Liguori-Gisem, 2001, pp. 327-346.



F. Senator-F. Storti, Space and time of the war in the South Aragonese. The itinerary of King Ferrante military (1458-1465), Salerno, Carlone, pp. 284.


F. Storti, The military heritage of Alfonso I of Aragon, in "Historical Archive for the Neapolitan provinces', CXVIII (2000), [but 2002] p. 13-61.



F. Senator, The itinérance the Aragonese of Naples, in Homelessness lords (Fourteenth and sixteenth centuries), published by A. Paravicini Bagliani, And. Pibiri, D. Reynard, Lausanne 2003, pp. 275-325.


F. Montuori-F. Senator, Signed letters of Ferrante of Aragon, in Momenti di cultura catalana in un millennio, Proceedings of the VII international conference of AISC (Naples, 22-24 May 2000), edited by A. M. Companion, A. Di Benedetto, N. Puigdevall i Bafaluy, flight. I, Naples 2003, pp. 367-388.



F. Storti, The Neapolitan army in the second half of the fifteenth century, Salerno, Laveglia, 2007, pp. 218.


F. Senator, La cultura politica di Ferrante d’Aragona, in Linguaggi politici nell’Italia del Rinascimento. Atti del convegno, Pisa, 9-11 novembre 2006, a cura di A. Gamberini e G. Petralia, pp. 113-138.


F. Senator, Callisto III nelle corrispondenze diplomatiche italiane. La documentazione sui Borgia nell’Archivio di Stato di Siena, in I figli del signor Papa, Quinto centenario della morte di Cesare Borgia (1507-2007), Actes del II Simposi Borja (València-Gandia, 21-23 novembre 2007), «Revista Borja. Revista de l’IIEB», 2 (2008-09), pp. 141-182.



F. Senator, Philology and common sense in the editions of fifteenth-century Italian diplomatic correspondence, in "Bulletin of the Historical Archive and Italian Muratorian», 110/2 (2008), pp. 61-95.



F. Montuori-F. Senator, Speeches given at the court of Ferrante of Aragon, in Speeches to the test, Proceedings of the Fifth French-Italian interview Speeches delivered, listened to speeches: contexts of eloquence in Greece, Ed European Roma, Napoli-Santa Maria di Castellabate (Its) 21-23 September 2006, edited by G. Abbamonte – The. Miletti – The. Spina, Naples 2009, pp. 519-577.


F. Storti, The art of concealment: language and strategies of power in the diplomatic relations between Ferrante of Aragon and Giovanni Antonio del Balzo Orsini, in The domains of the Prince of Taranto in age orsiniana (1399-1463), edited by F. Somaini e B. Vetere, Galatina, Farewell Publisher, pp. 79-105.


F. Senator, Ai confini del «mundo de carta». Origine e diffusione della lettera cancelleresca italiana (XIII-XVI secolo), in «Reti Medievali – Rivista», X (2009), pp. 1-53.


Study Day on Sources for the history of Aragonese Naples. Budget of a research (1989-2009), Naples, Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies, 19 February 2009. Reports Emanuele Cato, Marco De Filippo, Veronica Mele, Patrizia Meli, Armando Miranda, Elisabetta Scarton, Marialuisa Squitieri, Francesca Trapani. Conclusions of Isabella Lazzarini.



B. Son – F. Trapani, The shipment of Frederick of Aragon against the rebellious barons, in Diano and the siege of 1497, edited by C. Carlone, Salerno, Laveglia & Carlone, 2010, pp. 9-88.


F. Storti, "If you do not haveremo the way to win it with spears et spate, the win with hoes and shovels ". Notes and reflections on the techniques of the fifteenth century ossidionali, in Diano and the siege of 1497, edited by C. Carlone, Salerno, Laveglia & Carlone, 2010, pp. 235-276.



M. De Filippo, Ferrante of Aragon and the search for political hegemony in Naples Italy, PhD thesis in History, address "History of European Society", University of Naples Federico II, with scholarship (XXIV cycle, 2008-11), speaker F. Senator, co-guardian F. Storti.


Powers, relations, war in the kingdom of Ferrante of Aragon. Studies on the diplomatic correspondence, edited by F. Senator, F. Storti, Naples, Cliopress, 2011, pp. 396. Interventions by Emanuele Cato, Marco De Filippo, Veronica Mele, Patrizia Meli, Armando Miranda, Elisabetta Scarton, Marialuisa Squitieri. Conclusions of Isabella Lazzarini.



In. Apples, The creation of a political figure: the entry into Naples Ippolita Maria Sforza Visconti d'Aragona, Duchess of Calabria, in 'Notebooks of Italian Studies – Journal of the Canadian Society for Italian Studies », XXXIII, 2 (2012), pp. 23-72.



F. Senatore-E. Scarton, Parlamenti generali a Napoli nell’età di Alfonso e Ferrante d’Aragona, in El compromiso de Caspe (1412), cambios dinásticos y Constitucionalismo en la Corona de Aragón, a cura di I. Falcón, [Atti del XIX Congreso de la Corona de Aragón, Zaragosa-Alcañiz-Caspe, 27-30 June 2012], [Zaragosa], Obra Social de Ibercaja, 2013, pp. 779-786.


F. Storti, The "novellaja»Mercenary. Military life, Army and State in the correspondence of Commissioners, principles and soldiers of the fifteenth century, in «Studi Storici», year 53, n. 1 (January to March 2013), pp. 5-40.


F. Storti, The art of concealment: linguaggio e strategie del potere nelle relazioni diplomatiche tra Ferrante d’Aragona e Giovanni Antonio Orsini del Balzo, in Un principato territoriale nel Regno di Napoli? Gli Orsini Del Balzo principi di Taranto (1399-1463), Atti del Convegno di studi (Lecce, 20-22 October 2009), a cura di L. Petracca – B. Vetere, Rome, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo, 2013, pp. 163-196.


In. Apples, Behind the political powers: the twenty-year collaboration between Ippolita Sforza, Lorenzo de 'Medici, in "Bulletin of the Historical Italian in the Middle Ages", 115 (June 2013), pp. 375-424.


F. Storti, «El buen marinero». Psicologia politica e ideologia monarchica al tempo di Ferdinando I d’Aragona re di Napoli, Rome, Viella, 2014.



N. Covini – B. Son – I. Lazzarini – F. Senator, Pratiche e norme di comportamento nella diplomazia italiana: i carteggi di Napoli, Firenze, Milan, Mantova e Ferrara tra fine XIV e fine XV secolo, in S. Andretta – S. Péquignot – J.-C. Waquet (a cura di), Les écrits relatifs à l’ambassadeur et à l’art de négocier du Moyen Age au début du XIX siècle, Rome, Ecole Française de Rome, 2015, pp. 113-161.


B. Son – F. Senator, Per un ritratto del buon ambasciatore: regole di comportamento e profilo dell’inviato negli scritti di Diomede Carafa, Niccolò Machiavelli e Francesco Guicciardini, in S. Andretta – S. Péquignot – J.-C. Waquet (a cura di), Les écrits relatifs à l’ambassadeur et à l’art de négocier du Moyen Age au début du XIX siècle, Rome, Ecole Française de Rome, 2015, pp. 163-173.

F. Senator, «Parole/effecti»: le langage de la médiation politique dans les sources documentaires de la Renaissance italienne, in Langues des pratiques militaires et langues de la guerre (XVe-XVIe siècles), in Jean-Louis Fournel – Marie Madeleine Fontaine (sous la direction de), Les mots de la guerre dans l’Europe de la Renaissance, Genève, Droz, 2015, pp. 197-229.

F. Storti, Fanteria e cavalleria leggera nel regno di Napoli, in «Archivio storico per le province napoletane», 123 (2015), pp. 1-47.



