Volume 1 – Series II


Copertina Corrispondenze I


Correspondence Ambassador Giovanni Lanfredini

I (13 April 1484- 9 May 1485)


Edited by Elizabeth Scarton

Salerno, Carlone, 2005

(Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies. Sources for the history of Aragonese Naples, second series, 1)


pp. XLIV 724

ISBN 88-86854-01-3

Price: € 75 buy




Foreword Mario Del Treppo p. In

Sigle p. IX

Works cited in abbreviated form p. X

Introduction p. XIX

I. Giovanni Lanfredini p. XXI

II. The policy framework and diplomatic p. XXVI

III. Interests and interests of Lorenzo Florentine p. XXXII

IV. A look at the kingdom p. XXXVII

In. The packaging of the letters p. XLVII

WE. The postal system p. XLIX

Correspondence of John Lanfredini p. 1

Appendices p. 567

I. Easier varie p. 569

II. Inventory of the match with Napoli kept in the State Archives of Mantua p. 651

III. Inventory of the match with Napoli kept in the State Archives of Modena p. 655

IV. Routes Ferrante of Aragon and Alfonso, Duke of Calabria in 1484 and in 1485 p. 663

Index of correspondence p. 673

Index of Manuscripts p. 691

Index of names p. 699






