Series I – Dispacci Sforzeschi da Napoli


I volumi Dispacci sforzeschi da Napoli publish letters to ambassadors and other correspondents Sforza from the kingdom of Naples in the fifteenth century.

Series, coordinata da Senator Francis and Francesco Storti, is included in the series "Sources for the History of Naples Aragonese"And is published by the publisher Laveglia & Carlone of Salerno.

In Dispacci sforzeschi da Napoli is published only a wide range of abundant foreign correspondence Sforza, divided between the State Archives of Milan, the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan and the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. They are supplemented by letters preserved in archives of the ancient Italian states.

The choice, done according to the criteria laid down by Mario Del Treppo in Foreword And the volume, is offset by the on-line publication of the regesti of all documents in the archive series Sforza for the years 1451-1465.

It is remarkable relapse scientific initiative, reviewed in national and international journals (Reviews).

Until now have been published 4 volumes, in which they were published 989 documents, and other 3 are in preparation. They are also working in some volumes dedicated to Inventories the relative Carteggio Sforzesco.

From it are derived many essays and monographs, especially at the hands of the editors of the volumes already published.

