Professore ordinario di Storia medievale presso l’Università “Federico II” of Naples, publisher of vol. I-II of Dispacci sforzeschi da Napoli, has published books and essays on diplomacy and on the fifteenth-century Italian epistolary communication, the Aragonese Kingdom of Naples, institutions in the southern towns, on the teaching of history.



Associate Professor of Medieval History at the University “Federico II” of Naples, editor of the vol. IV of Dispacci sforzeschi da Napoli, has devoted a monograph and several contributions to the definition of military model Neapolitan in the Aragonese period, with attention to the elements of military logic and “Art of War”. It has recently been directed to the study of language and political psychology.






PhD in History, studied the representation of Turkish literature in the humanities and political propaganda in the fifteenth century and the Eastern policy of Alfonso and Ferrante of Aragon.


1. Aragonese Naples and the Ottoman Empire (PhD thesis), Pisa 2010.

2. Italian spies in the Ottoman Empire: the Deposicio Antonii of Corsellis (1485) preserved in the State Archives of Modena, and "Studi Medioevale", LI/2 (2010), pp. 779-815.

3. Christians at the court of the Conqueror: the testimony of Nicholas Sagundino, in Europe after the fall of Constantinople: 29 May 1453, Proceedings of the XLIV Congress International historical (Todi 7-9 October 2007), Spoleto 2008, pp. 189-226.



He graduated in Arts and graduated in Archival, Palaeography and Diplomacy at the State Archive of Naples. Already Fellow of the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies and the Italian Institute for Historical Studies, is a member of the group of Research at the University of Naples "Federico II", coordinated by Prof.. Giovanni Vitolo, participant in the PRIN 2009 "Geography costruite, geography perceived between Campania and Molise. Documentary sources and cartographic (centuries XII-XVI)”. From 2009 is a member of the drafting of “Salerno Historical Review”.


1. The family D'Alemagna. A noble house of the medieval Buccino, Salerno 2005.

2. (with the. Miranda and E. Vittozzi) Dispatches from Naples Sforza V (1 January 1462-31 December 1463), Battipaglia 2009.

3. The contribution of prosopographic Dispatches Sforza: the case of Nicholas from Barignano, in Powers, relations, war in the kingdom of Ferrante of Aragon. Studies on the diplomatic correspondence, edited by F. Senator and F. Storti, Naples 2011, pp. 41-65.



PhD in History at the University of Naples “Federico II”.


1. The political-military intervention in the crisis colleonesca of the Neapolitan 1467, in Powers, relations, war in the kingdom of Ferrante of Aragon. Studies on the diplomatic correspondence, edited by F. Senator and F. Storti, Naples 2011, pp. 143-171.

2. Ferrante of Aragon and the search for political hegemony in Naples Italy, (PhD thesis), Naples 2011.



She graduated in classics, qualified teacher of literary classics in high schools, He currently teaches letters indefinitely in the state secondary school of First Instance.



Postdoc in Anthropology, History and Theory of Culture at the Italian Institute of Human Sciences (SUM) in collaboration with the School of the University of Siena. He is currently a post-doc fellow ERC (European Research Council) within the project HistAntArtSi (VII Framework Programme – IDEAS Programme) University of Naples Federico II (Department of Humanities).


1. Madonna duchessa de Calabria, mediatrici is benefactrice. Patronage networks, family strategies and diplomatic practice of Ippolita Maria Visconti d'Aragona (1465-1488), PhD Thesis, Siena 2011 (tab published in 'Notebooks Este», 3 [2011]).

2. The creation of a political figure: the entry into Naples Ippolita Maria Sforza Visconti d'Aragona, Duchess of Calabria, in 'Notebooks of Italian Studies – Journal of the Canadian Society for Italian Studies », XXXIII, 2 (2012), pp. 23-72.

3. (with F. Senator) The Kingdom of Naples: The Durazzo and Aragonese families (1381-1501), in Courts and courtly arts in Renaissance Italy. Arts, culture and politics, 1395-1530, by Marco Folin, New York – Paris – Milan 2011, pp. 377-401.

4. Mechanisms of patronage and family strategies in the court of Ippolita Maria Sforza, Duchess of Calabria (1465-1469), in Powers, relations, war in the kingdom of Ferrante of Aragon. Studies on the diplomatic correspondence, edited by F. Senator and F. Storti, Naples 2011, pp. 173-211.

5. Behind the political powers: the twenty-year collaboration between Ippolita Sforza, Lorenzo de 'Medici, in "Bulletin of the Historical Italian in the Middle Ages", 115 (June 2013), pp. 375-424.



Graduated in History (degree) at the University of Naples “Federico II”. Already a Ph.D. student at the University of Venice “Ca 'Foscari” and Fellow of the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies, he was a member of the research team of the University of Naples "Federico II", coordinated by Prof.. Giovanni Vitolo, participant in the PRIN 2006-2009 “Political geographies of Italy from 1350 to the 1500: territorial organizations and system dynamics. Sources, mapping languages”. Attualmente è Cultore della materia presso le cattedre di Storia Medievale e di Istituzioni Medievali dell’Università degli Studi del Molise (prof. Isabella Lazzarini).


1. (with E. Cato and E. Vittozzi) Dispatches from Naples Sforza V (1 January 1462-31 December 1463), Battipaglia 2009.

2. Dissolution and redistribution of a large feudal: the territory of the Caldora, in Powers, relations, war in the kingdom of Ferrante of Aragon. Studies on the diplomatic correspondence, edited by F. Senator and F. Storti, Naples 2011, pp. 67-141.

3. A “new old” battle: Troy, 18 August 1462. Reconstruction and analysis of the event military, in The battle in the southern Renaissance. Modules narrative between words and images, edited by G. Abbamonte, J. Barreto, T. D'Urso, A. Perriccioli Saggese and F. Senator, Rome 2011, pp. 203-222.

4. The taking of Sarno 23 March 1462 and the end of the domination of the Orsini in Historical Studies Sarnesi. From the fifteenth to the sixteenth century, edited by A. Frank, Benevento 2012, pp. 27-40.



Laureata in Archeologia e Storia delle Arti (laurea triennale) at the University of Naples “Federico II” con tesi condotta sotto la guida del prof. Francesco Storti.


1. Bono et antiquo servitore“. L’ambasciata di Francesco Maletta alla corte aragonese di Napoli (1472), Naples 2013 (tesi di laurea triennale).



Laureato in Storia presso l’Università di Napoli “Federico II” con tesi condotta sotto la guida del prof. Francesco Storti.


1. I “bastardi” di casa d’Aragona. Per la storia della discendenza spuria di re Ferrante I, Naples 2014 (tesi di laurea).



Ha conseguito la laurea magistrale in Scienze Storiche cum laude presso l’Università of Naples “Federico II” nel 2017; si è diplomata in archivistica presso le Scuole dell’Archivio di Stato di Napoli e dell’Archivio Segreto Vaticano (2019). From 2019 to the 2021, è stata borsista della Scuola “Alberto Varvaro” in Storia e Filologia del Manoscritto e del Libro Antico (MiBACT – Unina). Attualmente è dottoranda in Studi Storici presso l’Università degli Studi di Salerno e il gruppo di ricerca HOST della Vrije Universiteit di Brussel. È cultore della materia in Storia Medievale e Istituzioni Medievali presso l’Università di Napoli “Federico II”.


1. L’accerchiamento antiangioino: le relazioni tra Napoli e l’Inghilterra negli anni settanta del ‘400, in "Historical Archive for Neapolitan Provinces', CXXXVIII (2020), pp. 19-30, ISSN 0392-0267.

2. Fonti per la storia del capitolo cattedrale di Aversa (XII-XVI), in «Studi di storia medievale e di diplomatica», Nuova serie V (2021), pp. 5-27, ISSN 2611-318X (online); ISBN 9788867743780.

3. Schede 300-301; 303-316 in Gli incunaboli della Biblioteca Universitaria di Napoli. Catalogo, edited by G. Petrella, Rome, Salerno Editrice, 2022, pp. 361-374, ISBN 9788869736964.

4. Il patrimonio del capitolo cattedrale di Aversa (XII-XIII), in "Historical Archive for Neapolitan Provinces', CXLI (2023), ISSN 0392-0267, pp. 7-28.



Dottorando di ricerca in Scienze storiche, archeologiche e storico-artistiche (XXX ciclo) presso il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università di Napoli.


1. Il principe «secundogenito». Disciplina, ruoli e identità politica di don Federico d`Aragona (tesi di laurea).

2. Federico d’Aragona (1451-1504). Identità e politica nella dinastia aragonese di Napoli, (tesi di dottorato in corso).



Degree in Medieval History (degree) at the University of Naples “Federico II”.



Degree in Medieval History (degree) at the University of Naples “Federico II”.


1. The Battle of Sarno. 7 July 1460, in Powers, relations, war in the kingdom of Ferrante of Aragon. Studies on the diplomatic correspondence, edited by F. Senator and F. Storti, Naples 2011, pp. 15-39.

2. The Battle of the Sarno 7 July 1460. Reconstruction, in Historical Studies Sarnesi, edited by A. Frank, Benevento 2012, pp. 11-26.


ELVIRA vittozzi

Postdoc in History of European Society at the University “Federico II” of Naples. She teaches Italian and Latin in high schools.


1. Micheletto of Attendoli and conduct in the Kingdom of Naples (1435-1439), in "Historical Archive for Neapolitan Provinces', CXXIV (2006), pp. 21-111.

2. (with E. Cato and A. Miranda) Dispatches from Naples Sforza V (1 January 1462-31 December 1463), Battipaglia 2009.

3. Malvezzi Hercules, Ludovico malvezzi, Mauruzzi Baldovino, Christopher Mauruzzi, Mauruzzi Gianfrancesco, Mauruzzi Giovanni, Mauruzzi Niccolò, in "Biographical Dictionary of Italian".
