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Dispacci Sforzeschi da Napoli


The collection "Sources for the history of Aragonese Naples”, direct for the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies from Mario del Treppo and published by Carlone publisher, is divided into three series.

The first series is based on the scientific coordination of Francesco Senatore and Francesco Storti (University of Naples “Federico II”) and includes the correspondence of residents ambassadors from Milan to Naples.

The second series, whose scientific director is Bruno Figliuolo (University of Udine), collects the corrispondences of the Florentine ambassadors resident in Naples.

In the third series, recently inaugurated with the scientific coordination of Francesco Senatore and Bruno Figliuolo, find space volumes on monographic sources.

The aim of the series is to increase our knowledge about the kingdom and the city of Naples, on the king and his court during the Aragonese period.


Twenty-five years after the announcement of this initiative, have been published 11 ponderous volumes of documents and others are in print and in preparation.


Work around the issue have trained many scholars, who have used diplomatic correspondence to investigate the most various aspects of Neapolitan and Italian history in the fifteenth century.


2 Commenti

  1. Antonello del Balzo di Presenzano says:

    And’ sicuramente un grande impegno di ricerca che mi sembra molto interessante. Gradirei avere notizie più dettagliate e sapere se esiste una versione su CD. Grazie
    A. del Balzo

    • Sforzesco says:

      Tutte le informazioni sull’iniziativa può trovarle nelle varie pagine del sito. Purtroppo al momento non esiste una versione su CD. Grazie per il suo apprezzamento.